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Water Potential Increase in Sliced Leaf Tissue as a Cause of Error in Vapor Phase Determinations of Water Potential




Earlier reports that the water potential of sliced leaf tissue is higher than that of unsliced control tissue are confirmed. The effect is shown to increase as damage to the tissue due to slicing is increased. However, there is some evidence that increase in damage beyond a certain point causes water potentials to fall again towards the control value. The electrical resistance of washings from sliced leaf tissue increases with increase in the time interval between slicing and washing. Both the rise in water potential of sliced tissue and the rise in electrical resistance of washings are partially and reversibly inhibited by low temperature. These results suggest that the remaining intact cells actively accumulate solutes released from the cells cut open on slicing. The sap from the sliced cells is thereby diluted and flows passively into the intact cells. Since pressure potential changes more rapidly with cell volume than does osmotic potential, the net result is a rise in the total water potential of sliced tissue. It is concluded that this effect may cause spuriously high water potential values to be measured if excessively small pieces of leaf tissue are used. This is demonstrated with stacks of annuli cut from leaves.



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